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Promotes effective device reprocessing through loosening of soils

Pre-cleaning process from bedside to reprocessing

Tip protection during transport for delicate devices

The PRE-WASH ENZYME helps initiate the pre-cleaning process of surgical and endoscopic instruments at bedside immediately after use, continuing through transport. The device tip is submerged in enzymatic detergent from bedside through transport to loosen soils, making reprocessing easier.

With the tip of the device encased, enzymatic detergent proactively moistens and loosens soils. Instrument pre-cleaning is active from bedside through transport.

Promotes soil removal – Pre-moistens soils at tip of device and all exposed surfaces

Immediate and continuous pre-cleaning – Powerful performance

Device tip protection – Design protects small, medium and large surgical and endoscopic devices during transport

Time-efficient – Transport now becomes valuable pre-cleaning time